Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Beep or Not to Beep

So, I am having trouble deciding what the appropriate use of the car horn is...
Are there specific rules for beeping? What was the horn's original purpose?

I never used to use my horn- not even to let people know I was sitting outside of their house. I just felt like it was a little too assertive and loud.. maybe even rude/mean. (my horn also sounds like a clown car horn or what beeker's nose sounds like when you squeeze it...).

So a couple years ago, I started to feel more comfortable honking at other cars when they were about to cut me off or if I knew someone and wanted to wave "hi". I would also honk if I wanted to scare a BFF who was walking in front of my turned off car and didn't know anyone was inside (if you have never done this, i highly suggest you try it at least once)!

Well I think I have crossed over the line and have become an obnoxious horn user. Here are 2 recent incidents of inappropriate honking:

1. I was in a long line of cars waiting for the green arrow to make a left turn.. this is the longest light ever and if you miss the first round it takes FOREVER to get to the next cycle (maybe even 2 min!). So we get the green arrow and it looks like I am about to make it when all the sudden the car in front of me starts to slow down... NOOO! what are you doing!!! then the car almost comes to a stop... so naturally, I proceed to LAY on my horn.. the next thing I know, the driver leans out his window and hands some loose change to the homeless guy at the corner... whoops.. i felt a little ashamed when I had to drive by the homeless man.. (but i did make the light)!

2. I was driving home and there was this big white car stopped at the top of the hill not moving in my lane- even though the light was green. As I got closer I decided to honk at him just to let him know that he was stupid and in the way.. but then as I passed him I realized it was a police man helping the car in front of him who had broken down.... whoops again.

so maybe I will just go back to honking at friends? it's a tough world we live in..


  1. best inapropriate honking stories ever!

    i am a huge fan of using the car horn - especially in Annapolis - people drive like idiots and all those new traffic circles don't help. although - certain people should not be allowed horns because they're bitchy enough when driving (that may be me!).

  2. "all the sudden"...hahahahaha hehehehe

  3. After being overseas for a bit, I realize sometimes I just beep for random reasons, it doesn't seem rude, because it's what we do...about 30 minutes and 7 middle fingers later, I'm back to good ole Americana--where you only do it to send a "message", but not the friendly kind...
