Thursday, July 8, 2010

No More Poo day 35-48

So I don' have much more to post about in this blog-

I caved and used shampoo 2x over the last two weeks- one was because I was too overwhelmed and stressed out at the thought of mixing my shampoo/conditioner- and the second time I was traveling and didn't feel like it.

I've said this before, but the only noticeable difference is that when I use the BS/ACV I can't run my fingers through my hair when it's wet.. but when it dries I can. So I think all i need to do to remedy that is to 1. get over it and 2. buy an thick tooth comb for the shower.

I have also thought about trying some olive oil (Dr. Oz said to basically bathe in olive oil while you are drinking it to be healthy) to make my hair more silky- but after the Mayo/avocado incident I am a little wary.. I will try it though.


Has anyone heard about this shampoo:

I'm intrigued...

Misie sent me this article which I thought was pretty interesting- it was also an advertisement, so I am not sure how biased it is- it would probably be worth it to do actual research in medical journals to investigate but after grad school I decided I would never do research again. So oh well.. :-) Internet articles and pop culture it is! Check it out!

I might buy this for when I feel like I need to just use shampoo quick or I am traveling... hmmmm...