Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Beep or Not to Beep

So, I am having trouble deciding what the appropriate use of the car horn is...
Are there specific rules for beeping? What was the horn's original purpose?

I never used to use my horn- not even to let people know I was sitting outside of their house. I just felt like it was a little too assertive and loud.. maybe even rude/mean. (my horn also sounds like a clown car horn or what beeker's nose sounds like when you squeeze it...).

So a couple years ago, I started to feel more comfortable honking at other cars when they were about to cut me off or if I knew someone and wanted to wave "hi". I would also honk if I wanted to scare a BFF who was walking in front of my turned off car and didn't know anyone was inside (if you have never done this, i highly suggest you try it at least once)!

Well I think I have crossed over the line and have become an obnoxious horn user. Here are 2 recent incidents of inappropriate honking:

1. I was in a long line of cars waiting for the green arrow to make a left turn.. this is the longest light ever and if you miss the first round it takes FOREVER to get to the next cycle (maybe even 2 min!). So we get the green arrow and it looks like I am about to make it when all the sudden the car in front of me starts to slow down... NOOO! what are you doing!!! then the car almost comes to a stop... so naturally, I proceed to LAY on my horn.. the next thing I know, the driver leans out his window and hands some loose change to the homeless guy at the corner... whoops.. i felt a little ashamed when I had to drive by the homeless man.. (but i did make the light)!

2. I was driving home and there was this big white car stopped at the top of the hill not moving in my lane- even though the light was green. As I got closer I decided to honk at him just to let him know that he was stupid and in the way.. but then as I passed him I realized it was a police man helping the car in front of him who had broken down.... whoops again.

so maybe I will just go back to honking at friends? it's a tough world we live in..

Monday, August 9, 2010

And now for something completely different...

so.. i am kind of bored about blogging about my hair.. I did buy some shampoo from whole foods "audrey organics" brand, because it had all natural oily stuff.. i like! although, my hair smells like a hippy.. and still mostly using baking soda/acv.


Earlier this summer I found my old Agenda/Journal from 1996- which is the year I moved back from Brazil to the United States. Brazilian Journals (called agendas) are different than American ones- in Brazil you buy a day planner and make that your journal- you decorate it with pictures, magazine pics or any souvenirs from that day and you attach things with paper clips so the book gets fat..

This was a really interesting journal to read through because that was such a hard year for me- moving back to the home land..

so anyway, I wanted to see what I wrote on today's date and here is the entry:
(I was visiting my friend Kristen in Boston..and I will translate the portuguese words in parenthesis..)

"we had muitos (a lot) of mix ups. Primeiro (first), we kept missing Alli. Ela foi para (she went to) Harvard Square but we woke up late, so we got there and she had left, so we left but then she had gone back, so we went back but she left, but we called her so she came back. Then we went to this party but it's tomorrow. Kris and I streaked our hair purple and that's why I'm writing in it (purple marker). I got a zero shirt for Alina. coool. Like, Ashleigh"

some observations:
1. I talk exactly the same as I did when I was 14.
2. Life before cell phones was hard.
3. I thought it would be funny to sign like, ashleigh instead of love, ashleigh.
4. I streaked my hair purple! haha so funny. i wonder what i would have been like if i went to public school in boston intead of private school in annapolis... hmmmm.
5. I miss speaking half english/portuguese.

I think I will periodically post things from that agenda or journal- i found my 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ones which have been hilarious to read through!

like, ash.